
Esther skipping in her back garden in Avonmouth.

Image: Esther, skipping in her back garden in Avonmouth.

I am Esther, mum of one little boy. Being overweight for most of my adult life, exercise has been my main way to try and stay fit. Since being a mother, I don’t have much time to go out for walks or runs on my own. I love dancing and have found Zumba videos on YouTube really fun and easy to follow. I normally do these at home and sometimes my son will join in because he enjoys the music. I usually do about 30 mins max and that’s just enough to fit in two or three times a week. I sometimes do skipping because it is a quick work out, also I can do it in my back garden and don’t need to have someone babysit my son.

It’s hard to stay in a good routine in the school holidays, but I know I can start again when my son goes back to school.

I find exercise really beneficial, not just for physical health but also for my mental health. I try to get out a lot with my son to the park and take walks in the woods, so even if it doesn’t get me sweaty, I am happy to be out and about and not sitting on the couch.

This film was made for Bristol Girls Can by Esther, with support from Knowle West Media Centre.

Meet the Girls